Weight Loss Progress

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Change Up

I have decided that I need to start the program over again even though I am {this} close to finishing it. Phase 3 is just TOO hard for me right now and I am having to modify almost every move. I do not WANT to workout and haven’t been working out consistently each day like I did before.
SO, I will start over with workout 1, but I will add weights with each move if able to make them more difficult and get more out of the workout, as well as add in a little cardio each day.
It really sucks to say I did not complete the 90 day program, BUT I know that this will get me back into my routine and actually ENJOY working out again.

I am, however, still eating very healthy and feel great because of it! When I look in the mirror now, I can really see the change in my hips!

So, Jillian- bring it on…. AGAIN!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012


OK, so not the best pictures I could have taken, but here it is! I am on day 75 or so... look how much looser my night clothes fit!!!  (I promise the next round of pics will be MUCH better!)

Good week

Eating healthier pays off----who knew?
Last week’s weight: 204.0
Today’s weight: 201.0
That’s 3lbs GONE this week!! J

My favorites from this week:
-          My sister’s KILLER chicken tortilla soup (minus the tortillas)
-          Yogurt and strawberries – keeps me full all morning!
-          Using The Laughing Cow Cheese instead of mayo or sliced cheese on sandwiches

My goal for next week- to get UNDER 200lbs!

Friday, August 17, 2012

MUCH better!

Much better, indeed!
Last week’s weight: 206.6
Today’s weight: 204.0
Just by choosing healthier foods, I lost 2.6lbs!!!
Some of the foods I ate this week:
-          Fat free vanilla yogurt with strawberries
-          Salad w/balsamic vinaigrette dressing (NOT my favorite)
-          Sandwich on whole grain white bread with laughing cow cheese used instead of mayo {YUMMY}
-          Toast with peanut butter and a banana
It really wasn’t that hard to eat these things and for the most part, I wasn’t STARVING.
I cut down my soda intake to 3 sodas this week and my new favorite drink is Lipton Tea and Honey- Peach Apricot! It is so yummy!

And let me tell you this- workouts 9 and 10 and cardio 3 are BRUTAL!!! I can finally make it through the entire dvd now, but geeeeez!
I’m toying with the idea of sticking with workouts 9 and 10 for another week before moving on to 11 and 12… What do you think?

Friday, August 10, 2012


Ok, NOW I am frustrated!!! I GAINED 4lbs? What the….?! I mean, I know I didn’t eat the best this week, but FOUR pounds??? Am I EVER going to get under 200lbs? I’ve been at this for over 2 months now and I am now UP from my starting weight… If I was a quitter, now would be the time!

Last week’s weight: 202.6
Today’s weight: 206.6

So, my goals for next week:
-          Eat healthier
-          Drink more water (at least 64oz per day)
-          3 sodas per week
-          Workout every day and increase amount of time I make it through the workouts this week

So, who wants to make me a meal plan for breakfast and lunch next week so I can go shopping this weekend? I need some structure I think!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Phase 2 Measurement results!

I took measurements 3 days early and was pleasantly surprised with the results :)

Upper Arms:
R- before:13"                        Today: 13"             Difference: 0
L- before:14"                        Today: 13"             Difference: -1"

Bust: before:40"                   Today: 39"             Difference: -1"

Waist: before: 44.25"           Today: 41.5"          Difference: -2.75"

Hips: before: 52"                  Today: 50.5"          Difference: -1.5"

R- before: 30"                       Today: 29.5"         Difference: -.5"
L- before: 29.5"                    Today: 29"            Difference: -.5"

Total inch loss= 7.25"

Holy cow, I am ecstatic! I am very excited to see what Phase 3 will bring.

Life gets in the way sometimes

Life definitely gets in the way. I got off track last weekend, then got back on the wagon Monday-Wednesday. Wednesday night I only got 1.5 hours of sleep because Mia is either teething or getting sick and just wouldn’t stay asleep… so, I skipped my workout last night because I am just so exhausted! Well, I only got 3 hours of sleep last night, but I am determined to workout tonight!
I knew this week’s weigh-in would not be good and had prepared myself for it. Since I did not work out as I should and I did not eat the best either, I GAINED 1 pound.

Last week’s weight: 201.6
This week’s weight: 202.6

Looks like I have a lot of work to do this next week and beyond! I take my measurements on Monday and do not really expect to see gigantic results, but am hopeful for at least a little inch loss. Anything is better than nothing J
Goals for this week:
-          HEALTHIER snacks!
-          Drink more water
-          Limit soda intake to 3 a week (currently at 5 per week)
-          Do NOT skip a workout day